Your Power is Your Voice, Your Vote
Click Here to Visit Our Alabama Voter Information Site
FEB. 5, 2011:
Help Us Get Gas Chambers Outlawed
as Method of Euthanasia
in Humane Shelters in Alabama
What to do:
Find out who your senators and house representatives are. Write, email, or call them directly and encourage them to support and pass this bill, called "Beckam's Bill"
How to do it:
This will take you to the home page of Alabama State Legislature
Scroll down until you see in the left column a place to enter your zip code. You will need your 5 digit zip code plus the four digits that have been added in recent years.
Enter these numbers and a page will open that contains the names and contact information of legislators in your district, ie-your representatives and the ones that count on your vote to keep them in office!
If you only know your typical 5 digit zip code, enter this and click on "Find Your Legislator" and you will be taken to a page that will help you look up the remaining 4 digits that you will need.